Monday, Nov 19 - 08:36 PM
I love life. I am allowing it to treat me fine. I am putting
enough space between business activities to allow me to get
more business and have more time to do more wonderful things.
It is kind of a neat way to live.
Tuesday, Nov 20 - 10:24 PM
When Mary Ann sent me the quote, little did I know how much it
would mean to me to understand its truth. The quote from an
unknown author:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain!"
I have spent a lot of time worrying about storms, being
frustrated and letting them sap my energies, wishing they
didn't exist, letting them consume my happiness instead of
dancing in the rain in spite of them.
What I know now is life is not necessarily designed to make me
happy, but it is more about being awakened to it. As I come
from inside myself instead of reacting to those things outside
myself, I am coming from a deeper joy that has always been
there. I just needed to discover it---awaken to it, as you
will. And so it is.
Wednesday, Nov 21 - 08:35 PM
Seeing life in retrospect is giving me more insight all the
time. Sometimes I do wish I could have done things better the
first time around, but one thing I am not willing to do like I
did in the past is beat myself up for not getting it right the
first time.
At least I am paying attention now, and can change my NOW life.
Forgiveness is an important thing and I am forgiving me
whenever I notice I am value judging me. There is no real
point in me beating up on myself so it is time for me to stop
doing that and the good news is I AM!
Friday, Nov 23 - 10:31 PM
There are so many people around me right now that I
care about who are making way too many mistakes. It is costing
them in money, peach of mind, health and other issues. When I
think about it too much, it begins to affect me . And that's
the key, I am learning to let them to their own devices and if
they want to self-destruct on things for themselves, I realize
it is not up to me to enable and save them from their own set
of problems.
My job is to let them live their own life's path as I have the
right to live and learn in mine so I accept the fact that I am
NOT their teacher even though I have tried to help them. I can
love them, but I do realize that I am not responsible for them.
They have to do this thing called life in their own way and so
do I. I can. I will. I am. I am in that space of total
unconditional acceptance and so it is.
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